Monday, March 25, 2013

How to Bring Positive Energy into Your Life

Our thoughts decide our attitude, our attitude decides how we will react in certain situations. Our thoughts decide what will do that day, what we will eat etc. Our thoughts are EVERYTHING. 

Therefore, it is the hardest to control!Our thoughts decide our love for ourselves and others. If I have negative thoughts about myself, then I start believing those negative thoughts.  

It is a slippery slope if I continue to create negative thoughts. If I'm noticing that I'm having negative thoughts, here's what I do!

  1. Watch an (Uplifting) Documentary/ TV show/ Movie OR Read an (Uplifting) book/: I stress uplifting because there's a lot of trashy and negative media out there and I need a story/ movie/ TV show or whatever that will bring JOY back into my brain cells.  These are all great distractions.
  2. Yoga: yoga, hands down is AMAZING.  I focus on my breathing mostly and it just does wonders for the body and mind!
  3. Listen to a podcast:  I'm obsessed with listening to informative health podcasts.  It's a good distraction from my thoughts.
  4. Get dolled up: I love putting together a cute outfit and curling my hair to help me feel good about myself.  I feel like I'm pampering myself.
  5. Go on a walk with Spouse/ Friend/ Family member: I love walking probably more than any exercise I do because you're outside enjoying the sun and really it's about the fresh air too.  It feels like it's cleansing my whole body & mind!
  6. Spiritual Study: Wether it be prayer, scripture study, meditation--All of these are vital to helping me clear my thoughts.  I think this is the most important area that easily gets overlooked when I'm over-thinking everything.  I always feel better after I focus more on my spiritual growth.

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