"Made with organic oils! 100% Vegan. Health is our greatest wealth. No detergents. No foaming agents. 100% Biodegradable! Dilute: Enjoy 1 soap for 18 different uses! Guaranteed pure potassium castile soap and 100% vegetarian: Supermild castile has outstanding water softening and cleansing powers. preferable to harsh soap and defattening synthetics. It does not cut dirt, but dissolves it. It is the mildest, most pleasant soap you ever used. Oregon Tilth Certified Organic."
I needed something natural to clean my make-up brushes with. So I've been using my castile soap. It cleans my make-up brushes beautifully! You want to be cleaning your brushes about 2-3 times a week. I tend to be lazy about it but I'm working on it.
Available at most local grocery stores.
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